Pontresina Winterbild: Strasse, Kreuzung am Gotteshaus, Kirche in Urlaubsort der Alpen

Oberengadin Ferienort Straßenkreuzung in Berglandschaft Ansicht aus Livigno-Alpen, Bergurlaub in Engadin Feriendorf in Bergen am Berninamassiv Reisefoto. Schweiz weisse Schneelandschaft


Pontresina winter-picture: Street crossing at God-house, church in mountains resort of the Alps

Puntraschigna church view from Engadine Alps travel-trip, vacation resort landscape in snow. Switzerland guide picture


Inverno-ritratto di Puntraschigna

Strada che attraversa a Dio-casa, chiesa in montagne ricorre dell'Alpi, Ritratto di guida di Svizzera

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